Premium Adventure Secure Field for Hire

**Please note we are temporarily closed for bookings for the secure field for maintenance work**

Book our premium secure field today!

We invite you to book our secure field for hire in the idyllic Cambridge countryside, to bring your 4-legged best friend to their new favourite place.

Many behavioural problems in dogs are due to unfulfilled needs. Excessive barking, stealing of items for attention, tearing up the garden and destroying things in the house, running off when let off lead, frantically pulling on the leash when out walking, over-excitement at everything, an inability to settle and many more issues are often due to boredom, frustration and having no regular outlets to just be a dog which then causes a dog’s mental health to deteriorate.

Dogs love to run, dig, chase, sniff, swim, climb and explore. Many dogs have no outlets to practice these behaviours and become stressed. We aim to provide a centre for you to fulfil those needs and much more. 

Meeting your dog's needs can massively lessen these unwanted behaviours, boost your dog's confidence, reduce their stress levels and ensure they get that much-needed good quality sleep when home

Training of course still needs to be done for many things but if your dog’s mental health is poor and they’re frustrated, stressed, anxious and under-stimulated, learning is a very slow and inefficient process. If your dog’s needs are met, learning is a much easier and more enjoyable process for all involved. 

£15 per 55 minutes

Open 7am-5pm 7 days a week!

What makes our field so special?

Large fully secured field in the beautiful Cambridge countryside with specific parking spots for nervous or reactive dogs so that they don’t see the other dogs and people either leaving or arriving to ensure your visit is as stress free as possible.

6ft fully screened fencing all the way round so your dog will not get stressed or frustrated seeing other dogs, people or wildlife through the fence.

Large 9m x 5m dog swimming pool, 4ft deep with a ramp leading into the water. Please note, this is a new pool that has been installed in September and is the same depth all the way around.

You are welcome to go in the pool with your dog to help them if they are not confident swimmers - please be aware the water is cold! If you have a confident swimmer, they will love the new pool.

Please note that if you don’t want your dog to enter the water, there is a gate to access the water, so you can keep this closed to prevent them going in.

Doggy wash down station to clean them off before you leave if they’ve got muddy or been for a swim! 

Towels to dry your dogs off before you leave which we take away and clean - no dirty wet towel to take home!

2 large digging areas. One is a large sandpit and the other is a mud pit.

We invite your best friends to come dig until their hearts are content. This can massively reduce unwanted digging at home if you provide them with a safe place to do so elsewhere (our facility!)

Jumps, weave poles and agility tunnels.

Large covered bespoke seating area for when it is very hot or to avoid getting wet in a downpour. 

Not sure if we can help with your specific issue?

Please drop us a message, email or give us a call to discuss how we can help and the best option for you.